Worship at New Life Lutheran Church.
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Holy Communion is celebrated on all Sundays except the fifth Sunday of the month. At New Life we host an ‘open table’ for Holy Communion. All are welcome to receive this free gift of God’s grace. We believe Jesus is ‘really present’ in, with and under the bread and wine. Even though the bread and wine do not change in physical form, Jesus presence in, with and under the bread and wine makes this much more than a remembrance or symbol of God’s love. Because of Christ’s presence, we also believe the real effects or benefits of this meal are; the forgiveness of sin, life with God here, and the promise of life with God to come. Children are welcome to come forward for a blessing. First communion instruction is available during 2nd grade. Gluten free wafers are also available for those that prefer that option.
On the 5th Sunday of the month we celebrate what is called a “Healing Service.” During the time of worship all (who are comfortable) are invited to come forward for the laying on of hands and for an anointing with oil. The healing service is a time to recognize the need for all people to ask and receive healing. Still, we know, some will never receive the gift of physical healing and during these times we ask for the healing of mind and soul. We also ask for acceptance and for peace in the midst of disease, sickness and pain. If you would like to know more information about the service of healing you may contact Pastor Nate.